Monday, March 12, 2018

Curry High’s Beta Club Ready to Fix Problems

Everyone was all smiles in the photos at Curry High School in Alabama. And for good reason. The Curry High Beta Club helped raise money to purchase 50 more Chromebooks and carts. These Chromebooks will be put to good use in the classrooms.

Assuming part of the Beta Club's mission isn't to fix broken Chromebooks (though it might be), the club and the school might want to consider some kind of case, cover, or protector for these new devices.

Most Chromebooks break when the screens get flexed or bent. Make sure that any cover or protector is strong enough to limit how much the screens bend. And make sure the computers are always protected. Keeping them in a cart is great, but they are only protected until the second a student grabs one out. And I've seen computers break at that very moment.

Perhaps students at Curry never grab for the same Chromebook or tangle power supplies. Maybe they don't pick open Chromebooks up by the screen. If that's the case, never mind.

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